Winter Art Fair 2024

16-17 November 2024 at Lytham Hall, Lancashire
Lytham Hall viewed from the lawn
Lytham Hall viewed from the lawn

Winter Art Fair 2024

16-17 November 2024 at Lytham Hall, Lancashire

Hopeful & Glorious is delighted to return to Lytham Hall for our Winter Art Fair on Saturday 16th & Sunday 17th November 2024.

Applications for this event are now closed

Event information and how to apply

If you are interested in applying for a stall, please read the event information, terms and conditions and complete the online form. If you cannot complete the online form, please email for a Word version to complete.

When you apply online or by email please attach a photograph which shows one piece of your work. This would be the image we use to promote your work so please make sure it is recent and of good quality.

We will select artists to reflect a high quality, diverse range of artworks and environmental sustainability. This is a fair where visitors expect to find unique gifts for Christmas created by the makers taking part.

Our fairs receive a high number of maker applications. We may decline your application if it is too close in subject, style or craft to another artist that we have already accepted. Each year we aim to provide a great mix of types of work and variation of stalls from previous years so limit the number of returning makers. Please see Terms & Conditions below.

We try to absorb the increased costs to run the event where possible but to make that practical we ask that makers respect the following –

  • We can only provide the space booked (eg if a 6ft table stall is booked then no additional floorspace can be added unless these are paid for in advance). This applies both inside and in the courtyard. There is an option to book extra floorspace if you require it.
  • There is also an expectation that makers will help promote the event through their social media and other channels.

Our most cost-effective stall is the Bring Your Own Gazebo option. There are some single day stall options subject to availability.

Makers are encouraged to bring their own card payment machines as there is no central card payment facility.

Locations within Lytham Hall

1. Indoors – Upper West Wing (UWW) & Old Kitchen

Upper West Wing is situated within the first floor across two rooms. Access is available by stairs or lift. Lighting is subdued, so it is recommended that you bring your own stall lighting. This is the largest area of stalls.

The old kitchen is situated just off the Courtyard on the ground floor.

2. Courtyard – outside

The outdoor courtyard is sheltered, with an over-hanging roof. This is a popular space which has good footfall and enables makers who would prefer to be outdoors with a good level of shelter from the weather.

3. Bring your own gazebo

The grassed oval provides a designated space for makers gazebos. There are no electric hook ups so you will need to bring your own battery powered lighting, chargers etc. Maximum space 3m x 3m. This is the fourth year that we are using this area. The location is an informal grassy area close to the Garden Hub and only a short walk from the other stall areas. As this is outside, please be prepared to wear suitable clothing appropriate for any weather. Walking/warm boots are recommended. You may wish to bring your own battery powered outdoor lighting for the end of the day.

It is only fair that makers occupy only the area that you have paid for. If you require space around your stall you will need to book the area you need in advance. We will not allow any structures, print racks, clothes stands, side tables or displays which go beyond your agreed stall area unless this has been arranged and paid for in advance.

If you have any questions about the above stall options, please contact Please don’t contact the hall directly. The hall is hired by us, and they will not be able to provide any detail on stall options, locations, or event specific information. We cannot be held responsible for information provided by the venue /third party that may not be correct.

Stall prices

Indoor stalls include a chair and table (unless you have opted to bring your own). We provide social media graphics for makers to use.

Small stall

Maximum size – 105cm x 55cm

  • 2 days – £85.00
  • 1 day – £60.00

Large stall

Maximum size – 180cm x 55cm

  • 2 days – £100.00
  • 1 day – £70.00
  • 2 days bring your own table – £90.00

Additional floorspace

At side of table area per 30cm/1ft

  • Per booking – £20.00

XXL stall

Upper West Wing only. Two extra large tables, or one standard Large stall with space on a dresser behind.

Maximum size – 210cm x 110cm

  • 2 days – £140.00
  • 1 day – £98.00

Large stall

Maximum size – 180cm x 55cm

  • 2 days including table – £100.00
  • 1 day including table – £70.00
  • 2 days bring your own table – £90.00
  • 1 day bring your own table – £63.00

Additional floorspace

At the side of your table, per 30cm (1ft)

  • Per booking – £20.00

Maximum size – 300cm x 300cm

  • 2 days – £70.00
  • 1 day – £45.00

Applications for this event are now closed

Event location

Terms and conditions

  1. If we offer you a stand, the fee should be paid in full within 7 days.  We accept cheque payments or BACs. Please see note on refunds in Cancellations.
  2. Booking confirmations are only final once we have made a stall offer and full payment has been received.
  3. Final set up details are sent to each maker 2 weeks prior to the event.
  1. As this is an event to promote the work of artists and makers, all the products on the stand should be created by the artist/s represented on the stand. We do not accept imported work.
  2. We encourage makers to consider their environmental sustainability and to think sustainably about your product materials and packaging.
  1. Maker stalls must be accommodated within the stall area agreed (i.e. you must not place any items outside the area you have booked for). 
  2. Please bring your own materials to dress your stall – please consider Health & Safety issues during the setup /take down and inspect your stall regularly for potential hazards.
  3. Arrangement of tables and pitch allocation is at the discretion of the organisers and the organisers’ decision is final. Setting up is done during the morning of the event starting at 9.15am. 
  4. The fair will be open from 11am to 4pm both days. Stalls must be ready before the start of the fair so that health and safety checks can be done. Stalls must not be taken down until after 4pm.
  5. All the setting up and dismantling information will be sent to stall holders by email 2 weeks prior to the event. This information will explain when and where to arrive, unload etc. Please follow all the instructions as sent through and ask if you have any questions.
  6. There is no stall lighting provided. All electrical appliances will need to be under warranty or PAT tested and it is the artist’s responsibility to make sure all sockets are switched off at the end of the day. 
  7. There is no power provided for outdoor stalls.
  8. Indoor stalls may be left up overnight on the Saturday. However, we do not accept any responsibility for loss or damage to any property left overnight.
  9. We politely request that in respect of other stallholders each stall should have no more than 2 people with the stall at any one time.
  10. Stall holders must dispose of their own rubbish and ensure that your allocated space is left clean and tidy.
  11. Artists are responsible for their own public and product liability insurance and if appropriate PAT testing or other relevant safety/quality certification for their products, equipment and stall. It is the artists’ responsibility to display your work safely with full responsibility for the liability of products and the public in relation to the stall. Any breakages are the responsibility of the artist.
  1. Any maker feeling unwell or testing positive for Covid19 should not attend the event. Please let us know as soon as possible. We are unable to offer a refund on stalls cancelled close to the event (See Cancellation section) however if you can arrange for someone to run your stall, we are happy to accommodate this.
  1. Promotion of a successful event requires the effort of artist, venue and Hopeful and Glorious. Digital promotion will be provided. All artists are expected to add information to their websites, social media, mailing lists/customers and any other networks they may use. Flyers and posters are available.
  1. In the unlikely event of very strong winds (over 55 mph), it may be necessary to delay the start of the fair or to close early as the site would be deemed unsafe for the public. In this eventuality no refunds will be given, please take appropriate insurance if required. 
  2. Admission to the fair is free for visitors. Lytham Hall charges a small car-parking fee.
  3. Strictly nothing is to be attached/stuck to the venue walls. Exhibitors will be held responsible for any damage they cause to the venue and the exhibitor will be charged for the full cost of repair or replacement.  
  4. If there are any accidents, incidents, hazards, or near-miss accidents which occur at any time during the event weekend please notify Hopeful and Glorious immediately so that appropriate action can be taken.
  1. If the fair is cancelled due to an enforced COVID lockdown or another force majeure event we will put the fair online. In this situation a 30% refund will be paid.
  2. There are no refunds for bad weather.
  3. If a maker needs to cancel their booking after payment has been made the following payments will be made
    • Cancellation more than 6 weeks before the event – 50% refund is payable
    • Cancellation less than 6 weeks before the event – No refund is payable.